Webinar: The Times Are A-Changing

Join us for our first webinar of the year, as we discuss the outlook for inflation and monetary tightening in the year to come.


Wednesday, January 12, at 10:30 EST (15:30 GMT/16:30 CET)


Carl Weinberg & Rubeela Farooqi


The Times Are A-Changing – Inflation and Monetary Policy in 2022

The inflation outlook in North America is diverging from the rest of the economies we watch here at HFE, and that means diverging monetary policies, and bond markets.

Rubeela Farooqi forecasts two Fed rate hikes this year but no more, as inflation and growth momentum abate. In Canada, Carl Weinberg sees falling unemployment and rising labor costs making a case for tapping on the brakes. However, he sees no grounds for monetary tightening in Britain or Euroland this year.

Many market participants have different, more hawkish views on inflation risks, and forecast faster price increases sustained for longer, with companion wage gains.

Please join HFE’s Chief Economist Carl Weinberg and Chief US Economist Rubeela Farooqi as they sort through the data and policy developments likely to shape global financial markets in the first half of the year.


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